Pink roses are one of the oldest roses known to human race, and have a rich history that dates back to some of the earliest pieces of visual art. Pink roses were the dominant species of wild roses and were the first flowers to evolve into their present-day form. Pink roses are symbols for love and gratitude. These pink flowers also carry undertones of elegance, grace, sweetness, and poetic romance. Light pink roses symbolize admiration, gentleness, and can be used to bring messages of sympathy. Fuchsia-toned roses can mean appreciation and gratitude. Pink roses also represent refinement and elegance while communicating admiration and thanks. . My fascination with pink roses goes back to the birth of our daughter, Karnika. For her first birthday, we had our home filled with pink roses and pink balloons! She is still our little pink rose, though she has blossomed into a fine young lady.
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