Marut Nandan Namoh Namah!
Kast Bhanjan Namoh Namah!
During my last trip to our Vedic Heritage Ashram in New York, I learnt and practiced meditation with this mantra from my spiritual teacher, Her Holiness GuruMaa J. Saraswati.
When you are facing obstacles in life, and need courage, clarity and direction, meditation on this mantra is very powerful. GuruMaa said, ‘don’t ask Him to solve your problems, ask Him to give you courage and direction.’
Begin your meditation session by sitting in a comfortable position, relax every part of your body and breathe as slowly as you can. Listen consciously to your breathing. You are practicing Pranayama. Close your eyes. When you breathe in, please say Marut Nandan Namoh Namah, which indicates that you are bowing down to the Universal Energy, here represented by Sri Hanumanji. Marut Nandan – is a name of Sri Hanumanji, son of wind God, Vayu or Maruti. Namoh means that I bow down to you. Namah reminds you that you are part of the universe and will gain peace only by removing the focus from yourself!
Now, hold your breathe for a few seconds, and exhale while reciting the second part of the Mantra. Kastha means difficulties and Bhanjan means remove or destruction. Kasta Bhanjan is also a name of Sri Hanumanji and here it means that He is the destroyer of obstacles of difficulties in your life.
When you meditate for at least 5 minutes twice a day with complete faith and concentration, then you will be blessed by Sri Hanumanji with courage and clarity and help you remove the obstacles from your path.
In this painting, I have used liquid acrylics and a blow dryer for the background, which represents my mind going in a million directions! After a few days of concentration, I can visualise Sri Hanumanji in a dhyan or concentration pose with a big smile!
He is here to bless us as Kasta Bhanjan!
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